Marketing and redirecting

Stingray SG Marketing and redirecting, operators receive a tool to notify subscribers about new offers or planned network maintenance. When an operator activates the service, instead of being redirected to the home page, the subscriber is redirected to the operator’s information page, which contains all the necessary data.

The page can be displayed at a particular time on a particular day of the week. It can also contain a button that redirects the user to the requested resource, or prompts to request a service or a call, or opens a chat box. Stingray SG remembers the user’s choice and minimizes repetitive content.

Notifications considerably improve user awareness of the operator’s services, increasing ARPU.

Ad banners are customizable. They can be replaced or blocked to fine-tune the service at the level of an individual user. Advertising is provided by our partners. Each click earns additional revenue for the operator.

Learn more about traffic monetization with Stingray SG.

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