Analyticson case: hosting and expert support for the international marketing platform
ITGLOBAL.COM entered a partnership with marketing start-up Analyticson. Specialists of the company transferred the system to the Tier 3 Data Center, redesigned the architecture for further scale-out growth and provided a fail-proof database cluster for stable operations. This helped Analyticson developers to focus on product development and not to waste resources on project’s operational support.About Analyticson
Analyticson is a start-up company offering customized marketing solutions for business. The company, located in Tbilisi, Georgia, owns a programmatic advertising platform for automatic ad purchases. Analyticson main specializations are data processing and analysis, as well as searching for optimal solutions to customize targeted and retargeted advertising campaigns.
Direct advertisers and publishers, as well as partner DSP, SSP, and DMP platforms, are among Analyticson clients.
Project objectives
- Migration to the new architecture. Like all start-ups, Analyticson has a rapid development pace. In order to simplify this process and not to spend money in the future, the company needed to switch from scaling-up to scaling-out.
- Entering the international advertising market. To reach this goal, Analyticson was looking for an IT partner outside the Republic of Georgia.
- Cooperation with experts. The company wanted to find a partner that provides not just hosting, but also expertise, as well as infrastructure monitoring.
- Easy communication. The company management wanted to collaborate with a service provider, which would be aware of all the IT market trends, and to communicate with the partner in the same language.
After a long search and negotiations, Analyticson have chosen ITGLOBAL.COM.
Previous Data Centres Analyticson was using were outside the Russian Federation jurisdiction and did not meet the Tier III reliability level. During migration to the ITGLOBAL.COM cloud, we carried out the audit of the client’s platform and calculated the optimal pool of resources to face the current challenges.
We have taken 2 consistent steps to implement the planned changes.
- To ensure the future scaling being -out, not -up, the Analyticson application architecture was changed: databases and applications were divided and distributed among several virtual machines. It became easier to increase resources in such a system.
- To ensure fail-proof, Galera database cluster was used. Thus fault tolerance has increased and the likelihood of incidents reduced.

Furthermore, additional services have been implemented: monitoring, backups, logging, 8/5 response to requests and 24/7 response to incidents.
Within the framework of further cooperation, ITGLOBAL.COM continues to work with the Analyticson developers and keeps consulting the company on further development key issues.
Vladislav Shoua, Analyticon:
«We have decided to cooperate with ITGLOBAL.COM after our platform was audited by the company. This demonstrated the company’s serious attitude, and we started productive joint work.
The main and the most noticeable result of our cooperation is that there is no need for us to monitor the state of our virtual machines. This released a large amount of time.
Victor Glembitskiy, product owner of Managed IT service in ITGLOBAL.COM, responds promptly to our requests and effectively interacts with the engineers both on ANALYTICSON and ITGLOBAL.COM sides».