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PPPPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) – A network information transfer protocol used for network connectivity has additional features over xDSL. It encapsulates PPP data within the IP network protocol and transmits it over Ethernet.

SCAT DPI – Deep Traffic Analysis

The protocol creates a tunnel between two endpoints. The first is the user’s workstation and the second is the ISP’s equipment. The IP address that is assigned to the user’s workstation is not permanent. With each new connection, the DHCP server automatically updates the IP address for the new connection.

Within the tunnel, information is protected using a crypto-resistant cipher. Traffic is also compressed, which increases the amount of data transferred and, as a result, increases the speed of the user’s work in the network.

To create a connection, it is mandatory to pass the authentication procedure. For this purpose, the user uses a pair of login-password, which was given to him by the provider during registration..

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