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Cloud services

Cloud services are services, infrastructure, platforms or software hosted by providers and accessed by users via the Internet. Clouds are a network of data centers where servers store data and perform calculations.

There are three types of cloud services

SaaS – Software as a Service. Software as a Service is application programs running in the cloud. A good example of the benefits of the cloud can be seen in the evolution of spreadsheet software. In the past, you had to buy an Excel program, install it on your computer and then use it. An example of SaaS is Google Spreadsheets, a collaboration-friendly online program.

Google Spreadsheets is part of the Google Workspace suite of office programs, whose functionality allows users to collaborate online to store and share files, write texts, hold online work meetings, and schedule tasks.

PaaS – Platform as a Service. Platform as a Service – a set of services, DBMS, software and tools for developing and deploying cloud applications. Example – Cloud Foundry – a cloud platform for open source application development.

IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service. Infrastructure as a Service is a service model in which a provider leases its computing resources. The user can flexibly customize the cloud using APIs, and payment is made according to the service model.

IaaS serves as the infrastructure foundation for PaaS and SaaS – higher-tier cloud services. IaaS is the lower tier of the cloud service model, the provider does not monitor the software being installed, but only controls the physical and virtual infrastructure. An example is Amazon Web Services’ EC2 virtual server rental service.

There are platforms that cover all three types of cloud services, e.g. Microsoft Azure, AWS, IBM Cloud.

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