Remote workplace
Remote Workplace is the organization of the workflow of an employee, department or the whole company outside the office by connecting the employee’s personal device with the work software.
There are two main ways of organizing a remote workplace: through terminal access and virtual workplace. In both cases, the necessary documents and applications are stored on a server, and the employee connects to it via a “thin client”. These methods are different:
- Remote access (RDS) – A server or servers on a single OS to which employees remotely connect. Simply put, all employees work simultaneously on one large virtual computer.
- Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) – all employee data is stored centrally, with each employee having their own virtual PC. In this regard, the risk of server disruption by an employee is lower than with terminal access.
Why you need a remote workplace (RWP)
Remote workplace allows you to protect the company from information leaks, password theft and other privacy issues. It also facilitates the use of corporate applications and the transition of employees to unified software.
When temporarily switching to remote work, it is recommended to rent employee seats for the necessary period of time to save money. If a company plans to completely abandon the office, it makes sense to organize an SDM on its own servers.
How to organize a remote workplace (RWP)
To organize a remote workplace, companies usually turn to providers who take care of the logistical and technical component. Professionals will suggest the most suitable format and tariff, as well as help install corporate applications and organize the transfer of files to the server. This format allows you not to deploy your own infrastructure, but to enjoy all the advantages of a remote workplace.
Find out how the Remote Workspace service from ITGLOBAl.COM is organized.