Security as a service
ecurity as a service (SECaaS) is a service that is integrated into the client’s infrastructure to ensure information security at the informatization object.
The service is delivered as software located in the provider’s cloud.
Among the services provided are data encryption, email security, information loss prevention, network security, continuous monitoring, disaster recovery, etc.
Available service models
SECaaS is available to customers under three models:
- Free. Basic features are available for free from most providers (e.g. Panda Cloud antivirus), but the premium part will only be available for money (subscription or purchase).
- Subscription. The client selects the options required and pays for specific services on a monthly basis. By agreement with the provider, payment can take place quarterly or weekly.
- Payment after use. The customer receives the required service (e.g., simulation of a hacker attack to identify vulnerabilities – pentest), and pays after the execution.
The customer gets a flexible system of payment for the service and chooses only the necessary functions. This approach saves the client’s budget, but does not worsen information security at the site.
[text_with_btn btn=”SEE MORE” link=”” btn_size=”normal”]Cloud Computing[/text_with_btn]Features
. Using SECaaS service provides end customers with dynamic scalability – cloud solutions are able to scale “on demand”. Thus the customer can expand their infrastructure (servers, workstations, etc.) to which the necessary data protection tools will be immediately installed without fear.
The customer receives a single database that contains a list of threats and viruses. It is updated online and collects data from all connections where an attack or hack has been attempted. This service is also called “continuous protection”.
The service provider also provides a single point of entry for monitoring and administration. The customer receives a ready-made solution with a user-friendly interface and selected options.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the speed of integration of the service at the selected customer site. Since this is a cloud-based service, the customer receives the selected options almost instantly after signing the contract.
Security as a service appeared a few years ago, but has already gained popularity. Customers are ready to purchase this service to ensure information security of the company.