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Unauthorized access (UAI)

Unauthorized access (UAA) – access to employee data without authorization from management or an intruder. Also, in some cases, an NSD is defined as access to data by a person who has the right to access that data to a certain extent, but has exceeded it.

Causes and Consequences of NSD

. Among the main reasons for gaining unauthorized access to data are:

As a result of unauthorized access to data, the company risks a data breach:

In any case, the security system of the entire company may be compromised during VAT, which can lead to very dire consequences.

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Provision of protection against intrusion

Measures, the main task of which is to ensure information security, are conditionally divided into 2 groups of protection:

  1. Information arrays from access to them by intruders.
  2. Company employees from psychological influences from the outside.

The first group includes processes of the technical class. Among them the most active are considered:

In addition to the above, it is important to use simpler, but accessible to all employees of the company means of countering intrusion: complex passwords, data encryption, renaming of working directories, etc.