Managed IT
About Us


ITSM (IT service management) is the most relevant scheme for administration of services and processes in IT infrastructure today. The ITSM concept is based on standards that imply a common model of information service delivery for all providers of such services.

ITSM is a set of specific rules, which were formed thanks to the information taken from the ITIL library – a collection of practical solutions in the field of providing quality IT services.

The main difference between the use of ITSM and the classical method is that the traditional variant is based on technology, while ITSM is based on user needs, efficiency and quality IT service delivery. Hardware is then relegated to the background.

Taking into account the above described, internal rules of information service, as well as established agreements and requirements for the performance of processes and services, we can conclude that IT departments of enterprises will be able to receive the highest quality services, as well as to change their configuration according to their needs.

Systematicity is one of the most significant elements in understanding ITSM principles.

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Implementing ITSM enables:

ITSM provides a close connection between all components of the IT infrastructure, and offers solutions to typical problems and emergencies.