GitHubis a web-based platform that allows developers to collaborate on IT projects and manage their code repositories. At its core, the platform is similar to an industry social network where you can post code, comment and follow the news of your peers.
GitHub is used as a platform for hosting and sharing code repositories. Developers can create repositories to store their code, make it public or private, and share it with colleagues. GitHub is also suitable for contributing code, managing issues and feature requests.
Repositories and commits. The workflow starts with creating a repository where the code will be stored. Experts make commits, which are individual changes or additions to the codebase, to track their progress and keep a history of changes.
Changes and merges. When developers want to propose changes or additions to the codebase, they create a pull request. This allows other users to review the proposed changes before merging them into the main codebase.
Continuous Integration Platforms. GitHub can be integrated with various continuous integration platforms, such as Jenkins or Travis CI, which allow for automated testing and deployment of code changes, ensuring the stability and functionality of the codebase.
Project management programs. GitHub can be integrated with tools such as Trello or Jira to facilitate project planning, task tracking, and issue management. This integration helps to coordinate work and keep all information in one place.
Best Practices
To use the platform effectively, you need to follow branching best practices, such as creating separate branches for new features or fixes. Also key to a successful development process is to effectively manage enhancement requests, provide clear and understandable code documentation, and actively participate in code reviews.