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Cisco UCS Manager

To ensure that Cisco server hardware works as reliably, efficiently, and effectively as possible, the company created its own software platform, Cisco UCS Manager.

This solution is extremely flexible, powerful and multifunctional. Thanks to it, you can greatly simplify the administration of IT infrastructure, increase resistance to failures, energy efficiency and improve the cost-effectiveness of equipment.

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Key Features of Cisco UCS Manager

Cisco UCS Manager software is compatible with absolutely all Cisco UCS hardware as well as Cisco HyperFlex Series hyperconverged infrastructures. Whether across multiple management domains or enterprise-wide across tens of thousands of servers.The Cisco UCS Manager solution provides:

With additional software from Cisco, you can greatly expand the capabilities of Cisco UCS Manager. Both across multiple management domains and on a corporate scale across tens of thousands of servers.

Platform Extensibility

Cisco UCS Manager greatly extends the functionality of existing popular management tools with plug-ins. It fits well into the DevOps paradigm, helping to improve the efficiency of each employee, intranet processes and tools.

With open programming interfaces (APIs), Cisco UCS Manager provides tools to integrate with a huge set of additional software tools for analytics collection, customization, deployment, management, etc. from third-party software developers and with your own client developments.

Among the key features of Cisco UCS Manager are the following:

. According to studies (over 150 of them), Cisco UCS Manager customers have been able to realize savings in parts:

Functional Features and Benefits of Cisco UCS Manager

The Cisco UCS Manager management system allows you to achieve a high level of automation of implementation and operation tasks in the data center. This increases the speed of response to any changes in the business, as well as accelerates the scalability of business systems, reduces the associated risks.

System management is based on group policies with the use of profiles and templates, which allows for more efficient maintenance of the infrastructure as a whole and each of its elements separately. It also enables the use of reference architectures defined by solution vendors (Cisco Validated Designs, Netapp Validated Architectures, etc.).

One of the key benefits of Cisco UCS Manager is the ability to create large, well-managed clusters with hardware resources allocated in minutes and without errors. Quickly replacing a failed, unstable cluster node or moving a server from one cluster to another while preserving the identity of the server in terms of the operating system and external LAN/SAN networks (defined by hardware identifiers UUID, hostid, MAC, WWN, WWPN, etc.) helps to significantly save on the hardware resources that are invested to ensure high availability.