CIPHER or cipher is a key-dependent mathematical formula used to ensure the secrecy of transmitted information. A cipher can be used to convert text into a coded message that can only be deciphered with a suitable key.
Ciphers are used to secure sensitive information and protect it from unauthorized access. One of the earliest examples was the Caesar cipher, in which the letters of the alphabet were shifted a certain number of places to create a coded message. Modern ciphers are much more complex and involve algorithms and mathematical equations to encrypt and decrypt data.
There are two main types of ciphers:
- symmetric use the same key for encryption and decryption;
- asymmetric use two different keys, one for encryption and one for decryption.
Symmetric ciphers are faster and easier to use, but they can be less secure because if the key is discovered, it is easy to decrypt the encrypted data. Asymmetric ciphersare more secure because two different keys make it much more difficult for unauthorized access to the data.
Ciphers play an important role in computer security, especially in the field of cryptography. They are used to protect sensitive data such as financial transactions, medical records and personal data. They are also used to protect communications over the Internet, including email, instant messaging, and online banking. They are also used to protect communications over the Internet.