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What is high-performance computing (HPC)?

The modern world generates unprecedented amounts of data that require increasingly complex computations. From decoding the human genome to modeling climate change, from developing new medicines to training large-scale language models, tasks that seemed impossible a decade ago can now be solved in a matter of hours thanks to High-Performance Computing (HPC).

We live in an era where data processing speed directly impacts business competitiveness and scientific progress. Traditional computing systems can no longer cope with the growing demands of big data and complex computing. That is why HPC technologies have evolved from a highly specialized scientific field into a critical tool for business and research.


What is HPC?

High Performance Computing (HPC)is a technology that allows complex computing problems to be solved by simultaneously utilizing multiple computing resources. Unlike traditional computer systems where tasks are processed sequentially, HPC systems distribute the load among hundreds or thousands of processors running in parallel.

A high-performance computing cluster is a system of interconnected components working together to solve large-scale computing problems. Its operation is based on the principle of distributed parallel computing: a complex task is divided into many subtasks, which are processed simultaneously on different nodes of the cluster. High-performance computing cluster is a system of interconnected components working together to solve large-scale computing tasks.

The key feature of modern HPC-systems is the integration of graphics processing units (GPUs) with classical central processing units (CPUs). While CPUs can perfectly cope with sequential operations, GPUs, having thousands of cores, are capable of processing huge data arrays simultaneously..

To ensure maximum performance cluster nodes are equipped with high-speed RAM and connected to each other with ultra-fast communication channels. Special software coordinates the work of all components, distributing tasks between nodes and optimizing the use of available resources.