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What is a supercomputer? Principle of operation, application and advantages of renting

In today’s world, data processing speed and computing power are becoming key success factors in business and science. Supercomputers represent the pinnacle of technological advances in high-performance computing, allowing to solve problems that are beyond the reach of conventional computer systems.

According to analyststhe global supercomputing market is growing rapidly and is expected to reach $97 billion over the next five years. This is due to the growing need for big data processing, the development of artificial intelligence, and the need for complex scientific calculations. However, the high cost of purchasing and maintaining such systems has long remained a major barrier for many organizations. Modern cloud solutions, such as renting an NVIDIA SuperPOD supercomputer from ITGLOBAL.COMITGLOBAL.COM, make these technologies available to a wider range of companies.

How do supercomputers work?

A supercomputer is not just a very powerful computer, but a complex system built on the principles of parallel computing. Unlike an ordinary computer that performs tasks sequentially, a supercomputer splits complex calculations into many small tasks and solves them simultaneously.